五輪桜アルミフライパン25㎝(5rings of cherry blossoms aluminum cook wear)
¥14,000 税込
I drew five cherry blossoms imaging Tokyo2020 Olympic on the cooking surface of the aluminum frying pan. The petals of black dyed aluminum contrast in a silver shining back..
In addition their stamen and pistil are shining golden.
It complies with the Food Sanitation Law and can actually be cooked. This is the feature of the frying pan. It is ideal for Italian.
As shown in the fourth photo, there are ink bleeds, fine scratches, blots, and colorable areas around rivets, but they are something occur accidentally in the production of the work. Please purchase it after understanding that it is a handmade work, and it is not a defect. In addition, as shown in the fifth photo, there are colored and scratches on the back side, but it occurs in the production, and thank you for your forgiveness. Aluminum is originally very easily scratched, and such scratches occur only by putting it on the fire cradles of the stove once, but there is no problem in use.
Please refer to the instruction manual described in the blog of this Base shop.
Further details and information are described in the external blog
¥14,000 税込